Checking In

February 18, 2016

Here in New England, we’re in middle of winter doldrums. Fortunately, it’s been a relatively mild season so far, which is good and bad. It’s good because the number of days with high snowfall accumulations or sub-freezing temperatures has been low. It’s bad because this type of weather can cause otherwise vigilant boaters to “fall asleep at the switch”, ignoring their boats in perhaps their most critical time.

It doesn’t take a continual string of record-breaking snowfalls to find the weak spot in an outside cover, allowing snow and water to unexpectedly flow in. And, in similar fashion, it can take just a few days of sub-freezing temperatures to cause water trapped in pipes to expand and crack vital engine parts and plumbing fixtures.

So, if you’re here in the Northeast, or anyplace else with a cold winter season, enjoy the unusually light winter weather, but don’t forget to check on your craft. Believe me, when spring rolls around in the not so distant future, you’ll be glad you did.
