Good Times

September 9, 2015

For many boaters, Labor Day weekend marks the end to the “official” boating season. After the holiday, school restarts, vacations end, and daily life takes on a decidedly more structured pace. In response, many boaters, including me, try to savor the last few days of summer on the water. Over the weekend, a number of different friends joined me on the boat and we visited a wide range of well populated islands, coves, and beaches. Interestingly, one thing in particular stood out, namely, a sense of people bonding. Some boaters were rafted up with 3-4 boats across, and as the music played, a constant stream of adults, kids, and dogs moved from boat to boat. On other boats, oftentimes large center consoles, the adults were relaxing in the cockpit while their kids chatted it up with siblings and friends while holding onto water toys safely tied off transoms. Most of the rest of the boats were filled with couples enjoying a low stress afternoon. Everyone was having a good time; there was no yelling, arguing, stress, or strife. Everyone was happy to be out on the water, in the sunshine, connecting with close friends and family. Boating can be pricey, but times like this are, indeed, priceless.
