
October 27, 2019

Well, it’s the end of the boating season for many of us in the Northeast. The boat has either been hauled out already or it is in the queue. And, the weather is getting colder by the day, making time spent on board progressively less comfortable. Against this emerging fall background, it is important to remember to practice patience in all de-commissioning activities.

Following a checklist is a good way to avoid overlooking a key task, or doing it poorly. Checking off activities will help ensure the engine cooling system is protected; the outdrive oil is water-free; the grease fittings are full, and the batteries are fully charged, along with a host of other important tasks. Rushing end-of-season activities could result in very expensive future service charges associated with compromised systems, lubrication points, and electrical components.

So, whether you’re doing the bulk of de-commissioning activities, or the local pros are, take it slow and steady, and you will put yourself in position to get off to a strong and timely 2020 season start.
