Tagged: electric

Electric Boats

Electric boats are starting to appear on the market as hurdles to extended range and performance are overcome. The Sialia 57 debuted at the recent Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show and it was recently featured in Soundings magazine. The boat’s range significantly exceeds those of many competitors, based on light-weight building techniques; advanced battery design; and a novel approach to the integration of a small diesel engine. Importantly, the cruise speed is between fifteen and seventeen knots, right in line with competitive traditional powerboat cruisers. So, continue to pay close attention to the electric boat scene, there’s bound to be [...]

February 9th, 2025|

EV Outboard Introduction

  Earlier this month, Mercury Marine introduced a new electric outboard, the Avator 7.5e, at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada The new outboard will deliver similar acceleration and speed to the company’s established 3.5 four-stroke engine. Larger outboards, such as 20e and 35e models, will be released later in the year. If you’re interested in going electric on the water, the options are increasing at a rapid pace.

January 8th, 2023|

World’s Most Powerful Electric Outboard Launched

Envoy, a Norwegian company, recently announced the launch of an electric outboard designed to deliver the equivalent of power of a 150-hp gas powered model. Similar to engines in electric cars, this zero-emissions outboard will be both quiet and powerful, with the Envoy Pro delivering robust torque figures throughout the operational range. The purchase price is predicted to exceed that of an equivalent combustion engine, but overseas, the annual breakeven point in running costs is projected to be about 350 hours. It’s likely that this new outboard will be an indicator of things to come.

June 24th, 2020|