Tagged: winterization
Early Winter Check
With single digit temperatures forecasted for this week, it’s obvious that it’s early Winter in New England. Everywhere you look there are winterized and covered boats sitting on trailers and stands. At first glance, it would seem that everything is set until spring commissioning and in most cases that is true. However, for ultra-protective owners, there can still be things worth checking. For example, all possible water should be removed from the bilges, followed by disconnecting the pump and battery connections to prevent battery depletion. Following this, the batteries should be charged 100%, and then disconnected, to avoid freezing and [...]
Well, Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away and most of us have hauled and at least partially winterized our boats by now. In the middle of the process myself recently, two thoughts surfaced – 1) checklists are valuable 2) there are a lot of items that need attention and can be easily overlooked. For example, batteries will easily survive the winter in the boat, if they are fully charged before starting the lay-up period. Have you charged the batteries? Remembered to bring the charger? Set aside enough time to give each one a decent charge? Bilge pumps are perhaps [...]
Well, it’s the end of the boating season for many of us in the Northeast. The boat has either been hauled out already or it is in the queue. And, the weather is getting colder by the day, making time spent on board progressively less comfortable. Against this emerging fall background, it is important to remember to practice patience in all de-commissioning activities. Following a checklist is a good way to avoid overlooking a key task, or doing it poorly. Checking off activities will help ensure the engine cooling system is protected; the outdrive oil is water-free; the grease fittings [...]
Winding Down
Well, the end of the boating season is in sight. Most boaters would agree that the Northeast season is far too short - late to arrive and early to depart. Considering the situation, it makes good sense to implement a solid winterization plan either through the local dealer or yard, or perhaps by yourself. Checklists outlining different service areas from the cuddy to the hull to the engine are highly useful. Some list items are: rinse all surfaces with fresh water to minimize corrosion and fading; change the engine oil and oil filter; change the gas filter and lubricate the [...]
Snap, Crackle, Pop
It’s that time of year again when the boys of summer hang up their cleats and, here in New England, we hang up our propellers. Now winter can be cruel in many ways, but it’s propensity to create damaging ice is certainly one of the worst. Ice can shred internal freshwater systems, split fittings and deck crevices wide open, and render big iron block engines useless. So create a checklist and follow it religiously to minimize the possibility of damage. Flush all the systems with fresh water and then use plenty of anti-freeze in the head, water system, and engine [...]
Check It Out
Well, we’ve come to the end of the boating season here in the Northeast. The temperatures at night are sub-freezing and daytime figures are not much higher. So, regardless of who does the work, it’s important that the boat be properly winterized to avoid significant damage over the winter. Checklists can help one remember a myriad of details: pulling the hull drain plug; flushing and filling the engine block with antifreeze; greasing propulsion components; changing the oil; attaching new gas filters; etc. Quite frankly, it can be quite a job, however, properly done it’s an activity that pays large dividends [...]
Wrong Hole
While talking with a boating buddy earlier today, he recounted a recent winterization incident that while surprising to him, is likely all too common. Last weekend, while he was putting antifreeze into his fresh water system something seemed amiss; even after pouring two full gallons of antifreeze into the system, the pump would not prime. After consulting with his friend, he poured another gallon in, with the same result. Together, they discussed the possible causes: a bad pump, a plugged funnel, faulty vent, etc.. After a few minutes, my buddy decided to start at the source, the funnel and much [...]
Smart Boating 9 – Outboard Winterization
This show, part two of two part series, illuminates the various activities a marine professional does when winterizing an outboard engine.