Midway Between Shows

March 12, 2015

It is early March, and we’re between some of the major shows around here, the NE England Boat Show and the Maine Boatbuilders Show. The New England Show encountered some tough sledding in the form of some severe snow storms which affected local turnout. However,  it was a great show, and I enjoyed learning about new developments from exhibitors displaying a wide range of boats and marine services. The Maine Show, which starts on Friday, March 20, promises to be an equally interesting show with boats from Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Canada. This show is noticeably smaller, regional, and casual. It truly is a “boatbuilders” show. In contrast to the NE Show where boat lines are represented by dealers and brokers, at the Maine show, you can oftentimes talk directly to the people that actually build the boats. The two shows have radically different “personalities” and if you enjoy variety, you owe it to yourself to check out both of them.