Tagged: boat club

Ownership Options

There’s no denying it, this summer has been a challenging one for boaters. A long, wet, cold spring coupled with a global pandemic resulted in a slow start. And, spotty summer weather since the beginning has not helped the situation. It’s no wonder that many boats are still on the hard, yielding little enjoyment, just significant yard storage bills. Fortunately, there are some attractive alternatives and two come to mind. First, at the risk of stating the obvious, do what you need to do to get your boat launched and go ahead and enjoy the balance of the season. Second, [...]

July 2nd, 2020|

Smart Boating 121 – Boat Club Membership

This show highlights the benefits of being a member of a boat club which offer members the opportunity to enjoy the on-water experience oftentimes at considerably less expense than traditional boat ownership.    

July 28th, 2012|