Tagged: commissioning

Early Winter Check-In

  It’s the last day of November and temperatures have dropped significantly since Halloween. The harbor waters are largely empty, and shrink-wrapped boats form groups of white figures huddled on the edge. Most boaters have left for warmer, greener pastures, namely the living room couch and big screen TV. But, now is not the time to let your guard down as little things, left unattended, can lead to sizeable bad outcomes in the spring. For example, are the edges of the transom where cover contact is made, protected from chafing by soft towels or other materials? Are all the drain [...]

November 30th, 2021|

Summer Holiday Kick-Off

Well, the kick-off of the Northeast boating season, Memorial Day weekend, is coming into sight and the pace is quickening within local boat yards. Around here, both the water and ambient temperatures are still decidedly on the brisk side which will dampen enthusiasm among some in-water skippers, while others soldier ahead. The end result is a double-edged sword – less traffic to contend with, but also fewer boaters to lend a hand in adverse situations. The trade-off is usually a favorable one, but it’s critically important that your boat and accessories be in top notch condition to avoid pressing your [...]

May 25th, 2021|

Spring Commissioning Bargains

Currently, we’re in middle of the COVID-19 pandemic which is causing global issues along many lines, including: personal, social, and economic health. And, with travel restrictions becoming increasingly restrictive, the whole situation casts a somewhat dark cloud over the spring commissioning process. However, there might be a bright spot, namely, special retail sales. With retailers suffering in general, marine suppliers are offering extraordinary deals, with discounts of up to 50% off featured on their websites. All you need to do to take advantage of the special prices is to enter your order online and wait for the products to arrive [...]

March 22nd, 2020|