Tagged: fall safety

Fall Boating – Ups & Downs

This past Sunday was warm and sunny, a great day for North shore boating and  the experience brought back a few points. First, Fall boating is characterized by fresh breezes, clear water and little boating traffic - all good things. Two, post-summer boating is also recognizable by heavy swells and a sun which sets each day at an astoundingly rapid rate - both not so good things. So, how do you enjoy the good and deal with the "bad"? Basically, be prepared. Before going down to the boat, make sure you've got the right clothing to keep warm and dry; [...]

October 13th, 2015|

Smart Boating 123 – Fall/Spring Safety

Boating in the offseason typically features less crowded anchorages, beautiful landscapes and an abundance of marine life. However, with fewer boaters around to lend a hand, safety precautions must be more closely adhered to. This show highlights the different factors to consider to ensure a pleasurable boating experience.

September 21st, 2012|