


Tagged: dinghy

Seadog Submerges

This past Saturday morning, I grabbed a breakfast sandwich at the local Dunkin Donuts and went down to the harbor to look at the boats. While sitting on the park bench, savoring the tasty bacon, egg, and cheese combo, I noticed nautical-looking dinghy, Seadog, lightly swinging back and forth on its mooring. After mentally trying to guess the name of the mother ship for a few minutes, I finished off my sandwich and moved on to morning chores. Later, about 4pm in the afternoon, when returning my boat to the mooring, I noticed the Seadog had taken on a very [...]

July 17th, 2018|

Simple Pleasures

Recently, a friend loaned me a dinghy that had not seen the water in over 10 years. During that time, the homely, but solid, little white fiberglass pram had been “stored” outside in a corner of the driveway and it looked pretty shabby. Now, my introduction into the boating world years ago involved more than a few shabby boats so I felt comfortable I could handle this one. Last night I attacked the situation with Lestoil, a heavy-duty scrub brush, and some powerful hose action. Surprisingly, the years of filth stripped away fairly easily, leaving behind a clean, if not [...]

June 18th, 2015|